Lasting Power of Attorney | Making an LPA under Coronavirus Restrictions
The continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has left many people with unanswered questions about wills, probate, and powers of attorney. At a time when increasing numbers of people are considering the future, the Progression Solicitors team is here to answer a key question: Is it possible to make and register a lasting power of attorney during lockdown?
What is a lasting power of attorney?
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have taken the time sort their affairs. For most people this has meant writing a will and preparing should the worst happen. As the pandemic has developed, it has become clear that a serious consequence of the coronavirus is not only death, but the possibility of long-term incapacitation. In some cases, patients can be unconscious for long periods, or left with debilitating conditions. This can mean they are unable to attend to their normal daily responsibilities. A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a means of ensuring that if you experience instances such as these, a trusted person is given the power to act on your behalf and make decisions for you. An LPA is a legally binding document and can be temporary or permanent in term.
Lasting power of attorney – do you need one?
Modern life presents us with a range of obligations and responsibilities. From making sure that bills are paid to managing investments and running businesses, it’s important to know that these tasks will be fulfilled by someone else if you were unable to do so. A lasting power of attorney acts as a safeguard. It enables you to choose who can make important decisions for you and your family if you’re unable to do so yourself . While young and healthy this might not seem like and immediate priority. But the truth is that it’s always sensible to plan for any eventuality.
Can you make or amend an LPA during lockdown?
There are two types of lasting power of attorney. A Health and Welfare Decision LPA ensures that your loved ones hear your voice in respect of medical decisions. This can include life sustaining treatment. A Property & Financial Affairs LPA can cover personal financial affairs and business matters. These documents enable you to plan for the unthinkable and, to make life easier for your loved ones. They help you to protect and manage your financial obligations to your family, customers, and employees. But what if you don’t have a lasting power of attorney? Or if you do but need to amend it during coronavirus restrictions?
Luckily, this process couldn’t be simpler. Due to ongoing government restrictions, the Progression Solicitors team has adapted to provide service both digitally as well as in person wherever possible. You can speak with one of our private client experts by video-link or telephone. Our lawyers provide a personal consultation from our offices across Cumbria and Lancaster. Our team will prepare a bespoke LPA to suit your specific requirements. We send it by post for your signature in front of a witness. We confirm with the witness that you understand the document before it is signed and witnessed by our team.
About us
Our offices in Ulverston, Lancaster Barrow-in-Furness and Grange-over-Sands remain open, so if you’d like to make or amend an LPA in person you can drop in or schedule a meeting to sign and witness the document at your leisure. An LPA helps you to plan for the unthinkable and make life a little more straight-forward for your loved ones. Whether you want to manage your financial obligations or protect your family, employees and customers, our expert legal team is here to help. If you’re thinking of making or amending an LPA and would like to discuss any of these points and more, don’t hesitate to contact our Private Client team on 01524 889850 or at