What are Prenuptials Agreements and why should you sign one?
You do not have to be a celebrity or a millionaire to need a prenuptial agreement. You may simply wish to protect, or ring fence a particular asset that is yours, so that if your marriage ever does breakdown, you are safe in the knowledge it is protected.
A client of mine had inherited a lump sum from her grandmother of £25,000 and she wished to protect this. There were no other assets, but the pre-nuptial agreement made it clear that this was hers, and hers alone, and the other spouse, would have no claim on it, should the marriage not work.
It is always sensible to discuss a prenuptial agreement and get organised well before the marriage. I would recommend as much as one year. This gives more than enough time, to iron out any queries and make sure that the usual stresses of the big day approaching, are so far in the future, that it won’t affect your ability to make sensible decisions about the agreement. The last thing you want to have to deal with, as well as making decisions about flowers, cars, invitation lists, venues, clothes, is to worry about what you should and should not be protecting financially.
Should you require any advice regarding this, or any other financial issue please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our experienced family team on 0333 305 7777.